Two of our parishioners, Ted Stacey and Mark Truxillo, have joined Kairos and will be an active leaders in future retreats to build church inside prisons.
Usually those retreats occur twice a year. See the DCI # 9 Retreat Testimonial to get a better feel for the powerful healing impact these retreats and support items can have.
Because of covid-19, the LA DOC has stopped all voluntary visits to prisons. The next 3 day retreat wll probably be in spring of 2021. If DOC allows it, we may do 1 day retreats or day of prayer sooner.
ParishSupport Services lead, Jackie Appleton, coordinates a very large effort to gather Kairos Agape: bake cookies, write anonymous support letters and build a personalized prayer chain for the 42 inmates on a 3 day retreat at DCI.
24th JDC Re-entry Court Mentorprogram – 10 of our members are involved as mentors to reduce recidivism and help selected probationers rebuild their lives.
There is an online Life Coach training of several hours required to become a mentor. Once you are assigned a mentee, you will receive a phone call about once a week from your mentee, typically 5-10 minutes. You are asked for a 2 year committment to this program.
Prison Youth Ministry
This is a very exciting direction led by member Ryan Gallagher. Ryan is principal of Brother Martin High School. He is also reaching out to other area high schools as well as youth programs at SCS. This effort is both ministry to the incarcerated and education to our youth to increase their compassionate awareness.